South Australian
Masters Athletics Membership
Membership is open to anyone aged 30 or above. There are a number of categories of membership; Full, Country and Social membership. Discounted rates for Full membership apply to Couples and those eligible for Concession. If a new member* joins at the end of the summer season, pro-rata membership fees may be applicable. See below for details of membership registration.
*A new member is defined as someone who has not been a competing member of SAMA for the past 5 years.

The SAMA membership year coincides with that of Athletics SA (1 October – 30 September).
SA Masters Athletics membership is due for renewal on 1 October 2024. SAMA Membership fees are unchanged from those that were applicable for the 2023-24 membership year.
Membership applications and renewals for the 2024-25 membership year, together with the payment of fees, should be done online using a secure registration portal (click on the button below).
The portal is active for 2024-25 registrations.
This is our preferred method of registration (no need to complete a separate membership form). Payment must be made by Credit/Debit Card (all major cards accepted).
Once the portal has opened, please select either the NEW MEMBER or RETURNING MEMBER option, and then follow the instructions provided to select the appropriate membership type for yourself.
All financial SAMA members have Basic ASA Membership (Recreational level) and are eligible to compete in the ASA Summer Track & Field Season with payment of applicable entry fees. For an extra annual fee, individuals may choose to upgrade their ASA membership to Gold in order to reduce the cost per day/event when competing in ASA competitions. The upgrade is done after registering with SAMA for the 2024/25 season (for details see the Programs page).
If you have any membership questions please contact
The Registrar – 0417 858 882
To register using the ‘paper’ form instead, please download a registration form using the button below, then after completion forward it to the email or postal address listed on the form. Payment can be made by EFT, cheque or cash.
Once payment is received your registration is active.
Do you want to throw or jump further or improve your times? Then you might be interested in getting some specialised coaching assistance.
There are a number of coaches in South Australia who are prepared to work with Masters Athletes.
For further information contact the ASA team at pathways@athleticssa.com.au or phone Athletics SA on 8354 3477.
Members’ Benefits
To take advantage of the following benefits SAMA members must be currently financial with membership falling due on 1st October each year.
SAMA wishes to thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.

Exurbia (SAMA Sponsor)
– formerly Scout Outdoor Centre
134a The Parade, Norwood, SA, 5067.
P. 08 8223 5544
Outdoor clothing, equipment and accessories.
10% discount on all purchases for SAMA members.
Mention SAMA and quote discount code ZMA.

Arbonne Independent Consultant (Sports Nutrition)
P. 0418 890 054
$27 preferred sign up fee waived and receive 20% to 40% discount on all on-line products.

Fitness on the Park
64 MacKinnon Parade, North Adelaide, SA 5006
P. 8267 1887
Joining fee valued at $100 waived on gym membership of 3, 6 or 12 months

Sportspower Glenelg
Shop 2, 128 Jetty Road, Glenelg, SA 5045
P. 8295 1714
10% off store wide, excludes all sale items.
• Receive notifications about SAMA events and bi-monthly SAMA Newsletters
• Able to compete in SAMA championship events with age graded winners and certificates
• Eligible to compete in National and International Masters athletics competitions
• Eligible to compete in Bay Sheffield SAMA events
• Eligible to compete at all ASA events
• Member monthly prizes at winter meets
• Voting rights at the AGM and other special meetings
• Personal Injury Insurance when participating in supported athletics activities – provided through Athletics Australia (see here for details)
Member Services
World Masters Athletics Rankings Website
Australian Masters Athletics (AMA) has extended its agreement with World Masters Rankings so that all members of State Masters Clubs affiliated to AMA will get full access to the Rankings site at no additional charge until 31 December 2024. See here for details.
Click the button to see more information including how to register for access.
AMA Standards Certificates
Australian Masters Athletics (AMA) has introduced the AMA Standards as a way to recognise the performances of Australian Masters athletes. Many athletes may put in good performances but not at the venue where they may be rewarded by an AMA Championship Medal.
The AMA Standards Certificate provides permanent recognition of such performances achieved anywhere in an AMA approved competition. The process for producing an athlete’s certificate is simple and on an honour system.
Click the button to see more information.
Life Members
Click the button below to see a list of our life members.